
Monday, January 25, 2021

Beethoven's Garbage Trucks


Local residents quickstep with their waste to
BÄ…darzewska’s “A Maiden’s Prayer.” 

I'm trapped. Sitting on my scooter, I'm blocked in a side alley listening to a mid-street classical music concert. Well, not exactly. I'm between a garbage truck and a recycling truck. The garbage truck sweetly serenades Taichung's residents for trash. Onboard speakers pump out Beethoven's “fur Elise” or BÄ…darzewska's “A Maiden’s Prayer.” If only the composers could see their compositions in action.  


The music echoes for blocks. People hear the oncoming music approaching and wait curbside for the trucks to arrive to take their garbage bags and recyclables. In most areas, the trucks come daily and at specific times. Consequently, if you aren't home, you miss out. So it's a good idea to have a friendly neighbour.


Large condo and apartment complexes have their own garbage removal and recycling bins. But for thousands of houses and small townhouse groups, there are no garbage cans or green containers parked curbside waiting for pickup. All of this is part of Taiwan's innovative and unique way to manage trash.  


Over 20 years ago, Taiwan's Environmental Protection Administration in Taipei created this now island-wide system. Previously, trash piled up then spilt from public street dumpsters. That attracted happy rodents and let trash ferment in sun-drenched dumpster ovens. Now the system not only disappoints vermin but eliminates the subtropical stench, a relief to all on the island's tightly congested streets.


These days, residences wait roadside at predesignated stops as the trucks draw closer. Some people standby glumly with arms crossed impatiently, while others happily chat and share gossip to the melodies of the approaching honey wagons. A few others, tripping over their flip-flops, race out at the last minute. Dogs howl at the approaching duo. 


The trucks stop with Beethoven still blaring, and the trash-toters hop into action. Some people have only garbage while others are hauling both rubbish and recyclables. I'm waiting off to the side watching the process. Some neighbours fling garbage bags into the chomping jaws of the garbage truck and head home. Other residents dump and pour food waste and cooking liquids into huge plastic blue barrels strapped to the garbage truck's rear. The garbage truck operators direct a few confused residents with odds and ends to the recycling vehicle following. 


The recycling truck, with its rubber-gloved organizers, direct recyclables to the correct bins and mesh bags. Other categorized recyclables are stacked neatly along the sides of the open-top truck. Not all recyclables are collected every day. 


Familiar truck operators and locals hurl garbage, reusables and gossip. Garbage and recycling truck “Aunties” and “Uncles” joke with giggling preschool children and chat with regular customers. But, there's a tight schedule, and orders are barked out, and the near choreographed performance is completed quickly. The vehicle operators saddle up the trucks and trash, and the music moves on. The dogs settle down, the street is quiet again, and the concert trails off down the road until tomorrow. 


Classical music is alive and well in the streets of Taiwan.