
Thursday, June 30, 2022

Paving Crew

A paving crew put down a fresh liquorice-black ribbon of asphalt on the street 
by my school. No one knew they were coming.

By 8:30 am, curbside cars were carefully raised by forklift and gently placed 
on the sidewalk. Male and female construction workers in flip-flops and rubber boots 
tore up cracked tarmac chunks, graded and spread clean black-tar icing.
Some workers wore bamboo farmer hats while others wore hard hats.
Some were barefoot.

White chalked string snapped straight lines for painting.
Parking spaces, crosswalks and instructions were needed.
Green, red and white cream-glaze paint went down.

By afternoon, the yellow forklift gingerly placed the cars back on the street.

But two workers discussed a BMW – their yellow hard hats together.
It was hoisted again and repositioned 12 inches closer to the curb.
Then a perfect white rectangular box was painted around it.

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